The 5 biggest benefits of drinking water

Water is a colorless, odorless liquid that is made up of hydrogen and oxygen (H20). It is essential for life, although it does not provide calories.

The first rule of health and nutrition is to drink plenty of water and remain hydrated. Our bodies are said to go for weeks without food, but just a few days without water.

This makes sense when you consider that our bodies are made up of around 60% water and that dehydration can have physical and mental consequences.

The 5 Biggest Benefits of Drinking Water


1. Water keeps your kidney safe

Your kidneys help to regulate the level of fluid in your body. Another important benefit of drinking water is that it helps to keep your kidney safe. It helps to prevent kidney stones and several other problems.

Water also helps to dissolve minerals in the body, making it easier to transport them to where they are needed. It is also essential in the removal of waste products from your body.

These two functions of water make it very valuable to the kidney. The kidney filters about 120 litres of fluid every day, of which the body removes about 2 litres in the form of urine, sending the rest back into the bloodstream. If your kidneys fail to function properly, excess, unneeded fluid can build up in your body. 

The main cause of kidney stone is lack of water. It usually happens when people repeatedly drink less than the required amount of water in a day. It increases the risk of chronic kidney diseases which may lead to kidney failure. Here, your organs stop working and a kidney transplant is required. 


2. Water improves energy levels and brain function

Your brain is strongly influenced by the level of water in your body. Loss of water can weaken many aspects of brain function, according to several studies.

Mild dehydration can hinder memory and brain performance and a glass of water would go a long way to getting you focused at work. Also, when you drink more water, it makes you visit the bathroom more and those walks will help you to stay alert too.

Dehydration can affect brain structure and function. It is involved in the creation of hormones and remaining dehydrated for long periods can lead to problems with thinking and reasoning.


3. Water helps you to lose weight

This is one of the key benefits of drinking water. Taking cold sips helps to increase your metabolism and consequently, helps with weight loss. This is because your body has to employ more energy to balance the effects due to the temperature difference, burning more calories than is usual. 

Several studies have shown that taking 2 cups of water about 30 minutes before every meal gives you a greater chance of losing weight. It helps to make sure you don’t eat too much, giving you that sense or feeling of fullness. 

Another important thing to note here is that water provides a better alternative to soft drinks and beverages which contain a high amount of calories. Replacing these drinks with water ensures that you don’t take in too many calories and helps you to shed weight in the long run.


4. Water helps to improve your physical performance

Dehydration plays a huge part in your physical performance, especially during intense exercises or high-energy activities. According to research, there is an appreciable drop in your physical wellbeing if you lose as little as 2% of the water in your body.

Dehydration can lead to a change in the control of your body temperature, reduced motivation, and an increase in fatigue level. If you don’t stay hydrated, your physical performance will suffer. It also results in a more difficult exercise routine.

Drinking enough water also helps to reduce the stress that comes with high-intensity exercises. When you carry out physical activities and sweat, staying hydrated is key to perform at optimal levels.

5. Water aids digestion and prevents constipation

Another important benefit of drinking water is that it helps with digestion and prevents constipation. Constipation makes it difficult to defecate and drinking water in adequate amounts helps to prevent and treat it.

If there isn’t enough water in your body, your excrement becomes hard and dry and very difficult to pass out.

It is also important to drink more water if you have diarrhoea as there is significant dehydration and loss of electrolytes during diarrhoea. 


There is no universally agreed quantity of water that must be consumed daily. The quantity of water a person should drink every day varies from person to person. It depends on a number of factors which include body weight, weather condition, type of activity, and amount of sweat.

In reality, people meet their daily fluid requirements by drinking water and other beverages. We also get water from the food that we eat.

In general, an adult man requires about 15 cups of water daily while an adult woman needs approximately 11 cups of water including water from food and beverages.

Jude Uchella

Jude Uchella is a passionate research writer whose work has been published on many reputable platforms, including MSN, Wealth of Geeks, and more! He prioritizes research, writes comprehensively, and only shares factual and helpful content. He is a reader’s delight!

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