10 Foods to Never Eat for Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day as it sets the tone for your energy levels and how you function throughout the day. While some foods provide the necessary fuel to conquer the day, others derail your diet plans and leave you sluggish. Here’s a list of common foods to avoid to start your day right.

Greasy Foods

grilled bacon
Photo Credit: Canva

Fried foods like bacon, sausage, or ham are unhealthy due to their high-fat content, which results in cholesterol build-up. Instead of consuming greasy foods, choose leaner options like smoked salmon or grilled chicken breast. These healthier choices provide essential nutrients and contribute to a balanced diet.

Sugary Cereals

sugary cereal
Photo Credit: Canva

Sugary cereals cause a spike in glucose levels, leading to a short burst of energy followed by sluggishness. To avoid this cycle, it is better to have cereals that are high in fiber and contain less sugar for breakfast. Steel-cut oats, bran flakes, or quinoa are great alternatives that provide the energy needed to sustain throughout the day without a crash.

White Toast

Cinnamon toast
Photo Credit: Canva

White bread is made from refined grains with bran and germ removed, resulting in a product lacking many essential nutrients. Consuming white toast means missing out on whole-grain bread’s dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals. This lack of fiber can lead to spikes in blood sugar levels, leaving you hungry and tired soon after eating.


bottle smoothies
Photo Credit: Canva

Smoothies are a healthy way to boost your nutrient intake, but they shouldn’t replace your entire breakfast. They lack fiber and protein, crucial for sustained energy and feeling full. To start your day right, include fiber-rich and protein-packed foods in your breakfast for optimal nutrition and satisfaction.


Cider Donuts
Photo Credit: Canva

Donuts are a sweet treat that many crave for a breakfast snack. However, they contain high amounts of added sugar and calories, leading to weight gain and fatigue. Instead, replace donuts with nutritious options like bananas or apples paired with peanut butter.

Coffee With Syrup

Coffee with syrup
Photo Credit: Canva

While coffee in moderation can be part of a healthy diet, adding sugary syrups transforms this beverage into a sugar bomb. These syrups contain several teaspoons of sugar per serving, contributing to a significant portion of your recommended sugar intake, leading to weight gain and other health issues.


New York style Bagels
Photo Credit: Canva

Typically made from white flour and refined grains, bagels are low in fiber and not the healthiest choice. They are slathered in cream cheese, further increasing their unhealthy factor. To make a more beneficial selection, opt for whole-grain bagels and top them with nutrient-rich spreads like peanut butter or hummus, which provide essential nutrients and fiber.

French Fries

french fries
Photo Credit: Canva

French fries are among the worst breakfast choices due to their high fat and calorie content. Not only do they provide little nutritional value, but they also leave you feeling sluggish and tired until lunchtime. Try roasted or sweet potatoes instead of French fries for a healthier morning meal.

Fruit Juices

fruit juice
Photo Credit: Canva

While fruit juices may appear healthy, they are high in sugars and low in fiber, making them an unfavorable option for breakfast. Rapidly consuming fruit juices increases blood sugar levels, leaving you hungry and lacking energy. On the other hand, whole fruits offer greater satiety and many nutritional benefits.

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This article was produced on Health Makes You.

Yvonne Alieme

Yvonne Alieme is a passionate writer dedicated to reviving society's reading culture. She strives to inspire and educate others through her work, and her commitment to promoting literacy and knowledge-sharing makes her a valuable contributor to the community.

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