How Long Does Rotisserie Chicken Last? (Explained)

Popular for its golden brown color and incredibly yummy taste, rotisserie chicken is an all-time favorite. They are perfect for dishes like tacos, sandwiches, and chicken salads. 

In shopping marts, rotisserie chickens are available as whole chickens, and chances are you won’t finish them at a go, and you will need to store them in a refrigerator to maintain the quality.

But how long does rotisserie chicken last? – A question many fans have asked! 

Generally, rotisserie chicken will last 3-4 days in the fridge and can retain its freshness for up to 4 months when stored in a freezer. However, if kept out at room temperature for longer than 2 hours, your rotisserie chicken will lose its quality and give off a sour smell.

This article shows you the best preservation method for rotisserie chicken and how to go about it. Read on.

How long can rotisserie chicken sit out of the fridge?

Raw and cooked rotisserie chicken has a short shelf-life; they can only sit out for 2 hours (or 1 hour if the temperature is above 90F). So, unless you plan on eating the whole bird in minutes, it is best to immediately store the chicken in the fridge after cutting out the portion you want.

The longer your rotisserie stays at room temperature, the easier it can become contaminated by harmful bacteria.

How to store rotisserie chicken in the fridge?

Place the rotisserie chicken in an airtight container or wrap it carefully in a plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Doing this will prevent the chicken from absorbing other aromas in the fridge.

Next, place the chicken towards the back of the refrigerator.

How long does rotisserie chicken last in the freezer?

If you plan on keeping your leftover rotisserie chicken longer than four days, it is best to freeze it. Your chicken can last up to 4 months without going bad. Put the chicken in a freezer bag or airtight food container before storing it in the freezer. 

To thaw, transfer the chicken to the lower part of the fridge and allow it to defrost overnight, and then use immediately.

How to tell if your rotisserie chicken has gone bad


Sniff the chicken for an acidic or ammonia-like smell. If there’s no foul smell, your rotisserie is safe to eat. However, you cannot rely on this criterion alone, as seasonings and marinades can mask the bad smell.


Spots of gray-to-green molds are sure indicators of bacterial growth. Dispose of the chicken if you notice any greenish-grey color on them.


A spoilt rotisserie will have a slimy texture, and in this case, it is best to dispose of it. Rinsing the chicken will not do any good and can spread bacteria to other foods and utensils if cooked. 

Best-by date

The label on the chicken packaging is also a pointer to its spoilage. It is best to get rid of the chicken if it is past the used by/best-before date.

Can I reheat my rotisserie chicken after it has gone bad?

Reheating your spoilt rotisserie chicken won’t make it safe for eating. Although the heat will kill the bacteria on the surface, it doesn’t eliminate the poisonous toxins the pathogen left on them. 

Throw the chicken away immediately when you notice any spoilage. Leaving the chicken can cause other foods on the kitchen table or refrigerator to become contaminated. 

Also, avoid giving spoilt rotisserie chicken to your pets as their bacteria can make your pets sick.

Can I eat rotisserie chicken in the fridge after one week?

It is best to eat rotisserie chicken in the first few days of storage and 3-to 4 days. Leaving rotisserie chicken in the fridge for a long time will make harmful bacteria grow on them and thus become unsafe for eating.

Risks of eating spoiled rotisserie chicken

Eating spoiled chicken can expose you to food poisoning due to contamination with salmonella or Campylobacter bacteria.

Although these bacteria die when you cook fresh chicken thoroughly, they still find their way into the birds when exposed to unpleasant temperatures. 

Symptoms associated with eating bad rotisserie chicken include; high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloody stools.

Tips to increase your chicken’s shelf life

Asides from those already mentioned in this article, here’s how to keep your chicken safe from pathogens, thus, increasing its shelf-life.

  • Always refrigerate rotisserie chicken within two hours of purchase unless you’ll eat them in the shortest possible time.
  • Cover the rotisserie chicken adequately before placing them in the refrigerator. This will also help avoid cross-contamination from other foods or meats in the fridge.
  • Store rotisserie chicken in the lower part of the fridge. Be careful to keep them away from the door compartment to avoid temperature fluctuations that cause the growth of bacteria on food items.
  • Cook chicken properly to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria that cause food spoilage.
  • Keep your chicken completely frozen until it’s time to eat.
  • After handling a spoilt rotisserie chicken, always wash your hands to avoid contaminating other foods.


How long is rotisserie good for?

Rotisserie chicken can last up to four months if frozen and 3-4 days when stored in a refrigerator. 

Does rotisserie chicken have to be refrigerated?

Rotisserie chicken leftovers should never be left to sit out at room temperature for more than 1-2 hours to maintain their quality. It should always be refrigerated or frozen when not needed.

Can I refrigerate hot rotisserie chicken?

It is best to allow the chicken to cool down before putting it in the fridge. Refrigerating hot rotisserie chicken decreases its shelf-life, causing pathogenic bacteria to grow on them.


Properly cooked rotisserie chicken will last for 3 – 4 days in the refrigerator. To keep it safe and delicious, wrap them tightly in aluminum foil or place them in airtight containers. Leaving rotisserie chicken at room temperature will cause bacteria to multiply on them, leading to spoilage.

Precious Uka

Precious is a vast researcher and has a knack for writing. She is also passionate about learning and personal development. She is a graduate of Human Anatomy and is given to helping people live a healthier and happier life.

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