Sülze, or head cheese/brawn, is a cold-cut meat from an animal's gelatinous head parts. The meat is cooked and set in aspic, served cold with bread and pickles. It's a traditional German dish available in many German restaurants and markets.
Kutteln, also known as tripe soup, is a traditional German dish from cow's stomach lining. It can be fried with onions or stewed with veggies and spices. Despite its texture and aroma, it's a delicacy in many German regions.
Saumagen, or “sow’s stomach,” is a dish from Germany's Palatinate region; a pig's stomach filled with pork meat, potatoes, and spices then boiled or roasted. Despite its appearance, its popularity has led to a festival in Bad Dürkheim.
Food is amazing and new cuisines open doors to different cultures. Some dishes might seem unappetizing at first glance, but they are delicious! 11 Foreign Foods That Look Gross But Are Surprisingly Delicious