Knowing the link between diet & digestion is key for healthy living. Certain foods can worsen digestive problems. We've listed these foods to improve your diet.
Spicy foods, rich in capsaicin, often cause digestive discomfort, resulting in heartburn and indigestion due to irritation in the stomach and esophagus.
Fatty foods trigger high acid production causing bloating, heartburn, & stomach discomfort. They also relax the lower esophageal sphincter, leading to acid reflux.
Beans and legumes contain oligosaccharides, a sugar our bodies struggle to digest due to missing enzymes. This results in gas from intestinal fermentation, causing bloating and discomfort.
Carbonated drinks can cause bloating and discomfort due to carbon dioxide. They also have high sugar and artificial sweeteners, affecting gut bacteria balance and causing digestive issues.
Drinking a lot of coffee can stimulate your colon, potentially causing a laxative effect, diarrhea, and it can increase stomach acid, leading to heartburn or an upset stomach.
Fiber aids digestion but overconsumption may cause bloating and discomfort due to our body's inability to break it down. Eating in large quantities can be challenging.
Acidic foods like citrus, tomatoes, & vinegar can cause heartburn & indigestion, especially in those prone to acid reflux & GERD. They relax the esophageal sphincter, leading to discomfort.