7 Fruits for Naturally Inducing Labor

Expectant mothers nearing due dates may opt for natural labor induction methods. Certain fruits are believed to stimulate labor. Here are 7 fruits said to help.


Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can soften and ripen the cervix, possibly easing baby's descent and inducing labor. It may also shorten labor duration when consumed late in pregnancy.


Dates are a traditional labor-inducing remedy due to their compounds that mimic labor hormone oxytocin. They're also high in fiber which can stimulate contractions.


Papaya, rich in enzymes like papain, may help initiate labor by stimulating prostaglandin production. However, pregnant women should moderate ripe papaya intake due to potential uterine stimulation.


Mangoes are rich in vitamin C and potassium, and contain amylase, an enzyme believed to induce labor. Some think eating mangoes during late pregnancy can soften the cervix and help labor.


Watermelon is a favored summer fruit, rich in water, citrulline, and lycopene, known to relax blood vessels, aid cervical dilation and potentially induce labor.


Kiwi, rich in vitamin C and potassium, is a nutritious fruit during pregnancy. It's high fiber can stimulate contractions, reducing the need for medical induction.


Grapes, rich in polyphenols, antioxidants and resveratrol, may help ripen and dilate the cervix. However, pregnant women should eat them in moderation due to high sugar content.

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