Embarking on a fitness journey is a commendable endeavor. However, it’s crucial to understand that not all exercises are equal. Health and fitness experts have widely debunked certain exercises due to their potential for causing injury or simply being ineffective.
In this article, we’ll uncover 15 exercises that are best avoided during your gym sessions, guiding you toward safer and more effective workout alternatives.
Behind-The-Neck Lat Pulldown
The behind-the-neck lat pulldown is an exercise that targets the back muscles, specifically the lats. However, this exercise unnecessarily strains the shoulders and neck, leading to potential injuries. A safer alternative would be a front lat pulldown, pulling the bar down in front of your body. This variation allows for a more natural range of motion and reduces the risk of shoulder and neck injuries.
Upright Rows
Upright rows are commonly performed to target the shoulders, but they also cause shoulder impingement due to the internal rotation of the arms during the movement. A better alternative would be lateral raises, where you lift your arms to the sides, keeping them in line with your shoulders. This exercise targets the same muscles without putting strain on the shoulders.
Seated Leg Extensions
Seated leg extensions are famous for targeting the quadriceps but put excessive stress on the knees and potentially lead to injury. Instead of using a machine, try lunges or squats for a safer and more functional way to work your quads.
Knee Push-Ups
Knee push-ups are often seen as a more accessible version of regular push-ups, but they cause strain on the knees and lower back due to improper form. A better option would be to do modified push-ups against a wall or use an incline bench to increase strength and stability gradually.
Behind-The-Head Shoulder Press
The behind-the-head shoulder press is another exercise that can strain the shoulders and neck. Instead, try a front shoulder press, lifting the weights before your body. This variation allows for a safer range of motion and targets the same muscles.
Behind-The-Back Shoulder Shrug
Like the behind-the-neck shoulder press, the behind-the-back shoulder shrug can also unnecessarily strain the shoulders and neck. Instead, do a front or lateral shoulder shrug to target these muscles without risking injury.
Machine Shoulder Press (With Resting Head)
Using machines for exercises like shoulder presses may seem safer, but resting your head on the pad can lead to improper form and potential neck injuries. A better alternative would be to use free weights instead and maintain proper posture throughout the exercise.
Seated Twists With a Weight Plate
Seated twists with a weight plate are often seen as an effective way to target the obliques, but they can also strain the spine and potentially cause lower back pain. A safer option would be to do standing or lying side bends with lighter weights to target the obliques without compromising your spine.
Smith Machine Squats
The Smith machine may seem safe to perform squats, but it unnecessarily restricts natural movement and stresses the joints. Instead, use a squat rack or try other variations, such as goblet squats, to target the legs.
Straight-Leg Deadlifts With Bad Form
Straight-leg deadlifts can effectively target the hamstrings and glutes, but doing them with bad form can lead to lower back injuries. Maintaining a neutral spine and engaging the core while performing this exercise is crucial. If you need help maintaining proper form, try Romanian deadlifts or glute bridges instead.
Behind-The-Neck Tricep Extensions
As with the other behind-the-neck exercises, behind-the-neck tricep extensions can also unnecessarily strain the shoulders and neck. A safer alternative would be skull crushers, where you lower the weight behind your head while keeping your elbows in line with your shoulders.
Sit-ups are classic abdominal exercises but can strain the neck and spine if not done correctly. Plank variations such as side planks or mountain climbers engage the core without putting undue stress on the neck and spine.
Leg Press With Knees Bent Too Far
The leg press is a popular exercise for targeting the quads and glutes, but bending your knees too far can put excessive pressure on the knee joint. To avoid this, keep a 90-degree angle at your knees during the movement or opt for squats instead to target the same muscles.
Seated Calf Raises
Seated calf raises are popular for targeting the calves but can strain the Achilles tendon incorrectly. A better alternative would be standing calf raises, lifting your heels off the ground while standing on a flat surface.
Heavy Overhead Tricep Extensions
Tricep extensions are an effective way to target the triceps, but using heavy weights for overhead extensions can put unnecessary strain on the shoulders and elbows. It is crucial to start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you build strength and stability in the muscles. Alternatively, try tricep dips or kickbacks with proper form for a safer way to work your triceps.
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This article was produced on Health Makes You.