Being a perfectionist in life can be great, but it can also lead to troubles if taken too far. Many people never realize when they are too good for their own good and end up taking on more than they bargained for or getting themselves into situations that put them in danger. Here are 18 clear signs that you may be too good for your own good and it’s time to stop.
You’re Always Overthinking Things
Even when it comes to the smallest decisions, you can’t help but analyze every detail and think through all the possible outcomes before making a move. While being detailed-oriented is great, obsessing over every decision can be stressful and exhausting. And you will lose valuable time being too analytical.
You Never Leave Room for Error
Your need for perfection means that you don’t allow yourself any margin for error. Even when you make a mistake, you’ll beat yourself up to the point that it takes away any chance of learning from your errors. That’s no way to live!
You’re Overly Self-Critical
You might be too hard on yourself if you constantly point out your flaws and never celebrate your successes. It’s natural to notice the things that need improvement, but it shouldn’t take away from acknowledging your successes and positive traits. Give yourself a break!
You’re Never Satisfied With Your Work
No matter how hard you work or how good the results are, you’re never truly happy with the outcome. This attitude can lead to burnout and dissatisfaction. It’s important to recognize that you don’t always have to be perfect–it’s okay to let go sometimes!
You Have a Hard Time Accepting Help
Your need for perfection means you want to do everything yourself, and you don’t like to accept help from others. This habit can lead to unnecessary stress and frustration and stunted growth. Everyone needs help, so learn how to lean on others when necessary.
You’re Consumed by Fear of Failure
If fear of failure prevents you from taking risks or trying new things, you’re likely too focused on perfection. You don’t have to be perfect to make great things happen. Take some chances and leave your comfort zone; you never know what amazing opportunities await!
You Take on Too Much Responsibility at Work
Your need to prove yourself often leads you to volunteer for extra work and take on too many responsibilities. The result? You take on more than you can handle, leading to fatigue and possibly poor performance. It can also affect your relationships with co-workers.
You Apologize for Everything
When you apologize for things that aren’t your fault, it can give off the wrong impression and detract from your sense of self-worth. Stop apologizing so much, and learn how to stand up for yourself!
You’re Too Polite
Being polite is good, but being too nice can be detrimental. Learning to communicate assertively and express what you need from others is important for protecting yourself emotionally.
You’re so Considerate of Others
You’re so focused on ensuring everyone else is cared for that you often forget your needs. Prioritize yourself sometimes and ensure you’re not being taken advantage of.
You Easily Fall for Scams
Your need to be perfect makes you too trusting of others and easily susceptible to scams. Don’t fall victim to fraud or bad deals – protect yourself and only agree to things that make sense. When unsure, research or get a second opinion.
You Can’t Seem to Relax
Your perfectionist tendencies can interfere with your ability to relax and enjoy life. You’re too busy worrying about the future or ruminating on the past to truly be present in the moment. Learn to let go of some control, take a break from work, and enjoy life!
You Rarely Ask for Help
As a perfectionist, you believe the only way to do something right is to do it yourself. But that’s not true! Asking for help can make things easier and more efficient. Feel free to ask for assistance from time to time.
You’re the Best Listener
Being a good listener and considerate of others is great, but you don’t have to forget about yourself. Ensure your needs are met, too, and don’t let others take advantage of your patience or generosity.
You Allow People to Go in Front of You in the Queue
You’re so accommodating to others that you often wait too long for things. Stand up for yourself, and don’t let others exploit your kindness. Recognize that it’s okay to be firm about your needs sometimes!
You’re Constantly Saying “Sorry”
“Sorry” can be overused to the point where it loses meaning. If you apologize too much, you should practice assertive communication and express your needs without feeling guilty.
You Always Try to Avoid Conflict
It’s natural to want to avoid conflict, but sometimes it is necessary. You don’t have to go looking for a fight but be willing to stand up and defend yourself if needed. Confrontation isn’t always bad – learning how to handle it can make you stronger in the long run.
You Feel Unsatisfied With Your Achievements
You strive for perfection and feel unsatisfied or even disappointed when you don’t get it. But perfection is unattainable; be proud of yourself for doing your best and not settle for anything less.
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