16 Ways to Reduce Food Waste

Every year, billions of pounds of food go to waste worldwide, a loss that is not only monetary but also detrimental to our environment and global hunger efforts. Reducing food waste is an achievable goal everyone can participate in by adopting strategies that contribute to a more sustainable and responsible lifestyle.

Store Potatoes in Dark, Cool Locations

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Potatoes are sensitive to light, which causes them to produce solanine. Store potatoes in a dark place with good ventilation at room temperature or slightly below. Also, storing potatoes in humid environments may cause them to sprout faster. To prolong their shelf life, keep them dry by storing them in paper bags.

Plan Meals in Advance

A lady making a meal plan
Photo Credit: Canva

Scheduling meals for the week and creating a grocery list based on those meals can help prevent overbuying and impulse purchases. It also allows you to use ingredients efficiently, reducing the chances of food going unused or wasted.

Buy What You Need

a woman with her shopping basket
Photo Credit: Canva

When considering your purchases, avoid buying in bulk or large quantities of perishable items if you know you won’t be able to consume them before they go bad. Buy smaller portions to manage your supplies better and reduce wastage risk.

Check Expiration Dates

lady reading product label
Photo Credit: Canva

When grocery shopping, pay attention to expiration dates and prioritize products with the nearest dates. Doing so can ensure you use food before it goes bad, minimize waste, and save money. Also, it’s a good practice to check for any signs of spoilage or damage to the packaging to ensure the quality of the products you bring home.

Donate to Food Banks

Senior lady volunteering food
Photo Credit: Canva

Donating non-perishable items to food banks is another excellent way to reduce food waste while helping the less fortunate. Many organizations accept donations and distribute them to needy people, ensuring food is not wasted.

Compost Scraps

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Composting is an eco-friendly way to dispose of food scraps and reduce waste. Use a compost bin or pile in your backyard; over time, the organic matter breaks down into nutrient-rich soil that can be used for gardening.

Don’t Use Trays in Buffet-Style Settings

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In buffet-style setups, trays are frequently used to carry food, leading to over-serving and increased food waste. Removing trays can promote mindful eating and portion control, as individuals will likely take what they can carry by hand, reducing uneaten food left on plates.

Use Reusable Containers

reusable containers
Photo Credit: Canva

Using reusable containers for food storage, shopping, and transporting meals is a great way to reduce food waste and the use of disposable packaging. These containers can store leftovers or prepare meals in advance, ensuring food remains fresh and edible for longer.

Try Pickling and Fermenting

pickled cucumbers
Photo Credit: Canva

Pickling and fermenting are traditional food preservation techniques that extend the life of food and add flavor—experiment with pickling vegetables or fermenting fruits like apples and grapes to create delicious and healthy snacks.

Get Creative With Cooking

Lady cooking at home
Photo Credit: Canva

Sometimes, creativity in the kitchen is all it takes to reduce food waste. Choose recipes that use multiple ingredients, and feel free to substitute or omit ingredients based on what you have available. This way, you can reduce the need for excess food purchases and create delicious new dishes.

Repurpose Stale Bread

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Stale bread should never go to waste as it can be repurposed in various delicious ways. It can make croutons for salads or breadcrumbs for coating and binding. You can also make a classic bread pudding, French toast, or bread salad like the Italian Panzanella.

Air Out Your Garlic

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Garlic should be stored at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. It should not be stored in sealed containers or plastic bags where moisture can accumulate. If you’ve already peeled or chopped your garlic, keeping it in the fridge and using it within a few days is best.

Store Tomatoes Upside Down at Room Temperature

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Tomatoes continue to ripen after being picked due to a natural process called ethylene production. Storing them upside down prevents air from entering the stem end and slows the ripening process. Doing so can extend their shelf life by a few more days.

Freeze Fresh Herbs in Oil

Frozen basil leaves
Photo Credit: Canva

Freezing fresh herbs in oil is an excellent way to preserve their flavor and prevent them from going rancid. Chop the herbs, place them in an ice cube tray, fill them with oil, and freeze. The cubes can then add flavor to soups, stews, or sauces.

Use All Parts of Fruits and Vegetables

Green Vegetables
Photo Credit: Canva

Many parts of fruits and vegetables that are often discarded, such as stems, leaves, and peels, can be used in cooking. For example, carrot tops can make a pesto sauce, and broccoli stalks can be chopped up and added to stir-fries or soups.

Take Inventory

Organized pantry
Photo Credit: Canva

Before heading to the grocery store, take inventory of what you already have. This step is crucial in preventing overbuying and ending up with food that spoils before you can use it. A well-organized refrigerator and pantry can help make this process easier.

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This article was produced on Health Makes You.

Yvonne Alieme

Yvonne Alieme is a passionate writer dedicated to reviving society's reading culture. She strives to inspire and educate others through her work, and her commitment to promoting literacy and knowledge-sharing makes her a valuable contributor to the community.

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