Seizures can be an alarming experience for the person experiencing them and those present at the time. Handling such situations with care and knowledge is crucial, as improper actions might lead to harm or complications. Avoid doing the following things to ensure safety and well-being when someone has a seizure.
Don’t Panic
The first and most important thing to remember is to stay calm during a seizure. Panicking can worsen the situation and hinder your ability to help the person.
Don’t Try to Restrain Them
It’s natural to want to hold onto someone who is having a seizure, but it’s essential not to restrain them as it can cause harm.
Don’t Put Anything in Their Mouth
It’s a common myth that people can swallow their tongue during a seizure. This is false; putting something in their mouth can cause choking or damage to their teeth.
Don’t Try to Move Them
Unless they are in immediate danger, it’s best not to move the person during a seizure. Trying to force them can cause further injury.
Don’t Give Them Anything to Drink
During a seizure, the person might have difficulty swallowing and could choke on fluids. Avoid giving them anything to drink until after the episode has passed.
Don’t Try to Wake Them Up
Seizures can be exhausting for those experiencing them and may need time to rest afterward. Don’t try to wake them up immediately after a seizure ends.
Don’t Ignore the Situation
While it’s essential not to panic, it’s equally crucial not to ignore the situation. Pay attention and monitor the person during the seizure to provide accurate information to medical professionals if needed.
Don’t Leave the Person Alone
It’s essential to stay with the person having a seizure until it ends. Afterward, they may need assistance or medical attention.
Don’t Assume They Need an Ambulance
While some seizures require immediate medical attention, others do not. Call for an ambulance if you’re unsure or if it’s their first seizure.
Don’t Give Them Medication
Unless the person has been prescribed medication for their seizures, do not give them any medication during an episode.
Don’t Try to Hold Them Down
Seizures can be frightening for those experiencing them, and they may thrash or move involuntarily. It’s tempting to want to hold them down, but you might end up hurting them or yourself in the process. Instead stay close, gently place something soft under their head, and protect them from harm. After the episode, you may roll them onto their side.
Don’t Forget to Time the Seizure
Timing the duration of a seizure is essential information for medical professionals. Keep track of how long the episode lasts.
Don’t Forget to Stay Calm and Reassure Them
While it’s essential to avoid panicking, it’s also crucial to remain calm and reassuring to the person experiencing the seizure. Let them know that you’re there to support them and that they are safe.
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This article was produced on Health Makes You.