13 Most Disgusting Foods to Avoid When You Visit France

You’ve heard many great things about France and have decided to spend your next holiday there. Awesome! The language, people, sights, and food are all fascinating. But no matter how adventurous your palette may be, there are some dishes that you should avoid in France. These foods might be a local specialty, but they are usually strange and disgusting. Here is a list of the most disgusting foods to avoid in France.

Cuisses de grenouille (Frogs’ Legs)

Cuisses de grenouille Frog Legs
Photo credit: Canva

This traditional French delicacy has become quite popular in recent years. Frogs’ legs are usually cooked with garlic, butter, and other herbs and spices. While they may look appetizing, the taste can be pretty strange and may not be to everyone’s liking.

Andouillette Sausage

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Andouillette sausage is a pork sausage made from the intestines and stomachs of pigs. This dish can be found all over France, but it’s not for the faint of heart. The smell alone can be enough to turn some people off.

TĂȘte de Veau (Calf’s Brain)

Tete de Veau
Photo credit: Canva

TĂȘte de Veau, or calf’s head, is a dish made from the boiled head of a calf. The skull is split open and then filled with vegetables, herbs, and spices before being cooked in a broth. This dish has a highly intense flavor that may not be for everyone.

Escargots (Snails)

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Escargots are a popular French appetizer. They are usually cooked in a garlic and butter sauce and served in the shell. The texture of snails can be quite strange, and some people find it too slimy to enjoy.

Roquefort Cheese

Roquefort Cheese
Photo Credit: Canva

Roquefort cheese is made from sheep’s milk and ripened in caves in southern France. This blue-veined cheese has a very strong flavor that can be quite aromatic. You should avoid this if you don’t enjoy strong-smelling cheeses or their moldy appearance.

Couilles De Mouton (Sheep Testicles)

Couilles De Mouton
Photo Credit: Canva

As strange as it may sound, Couilles de Mouton, or sheep testicles, are popular in some parts of France. This dish is usually served with potatoes and onions and can be chewy. It’s not for the faint-hearted!

Pieds De Porc (Pigs’ Feet)

Pieds de porc Pigs Trotters
Photo credit: Canva

Pieds de porc, or pig’s trotters, are a less famous but equally strange French food. They are boiled and served with sauces and can be eaten as an appetizer or a main course. The texture is chewy, the flavor is savory, and it does look like a pig’s feet. Not everyone can stand the sight of this dish. 

Boudin Noir (Blood Sausage)

blood sausage 1
Photo Credit: Canva

If the sight of blood or knowing that your food is made primarily from animal blood doesn’t make you turn away, Boudin Noir might be the meal for you. This dish mixes animal blood, bread, and seasonings to make a sausage. Visit any French restaurant, and you’ll likely find it on the menu.

Fromage Puant (Stinky Cheese)

Fromage Puant Stinky Cheese
Photo credit: Canva

Fromage Puant, or stinky cheese, is a French cheese made from cow’s milk. It has a strong odor and taste that some might find unpleasant, but if you can get past the smell, you’ll discover this cheese’s creamy and flavorful taste.

Steak Tartare

Steak Tartare
Photo credit: Canva

Steak tartare is a French dish of finely chopped raw beef, onions, capers, herbs, spices, and seasonings. This food is served as an appetizer or main course with toast points. What’s weird and potentially disgusting about this dish? The raw beef. 

Foie Gras (Goose Liver)

Foie Gras
Photo credit: Canva

Foie gras is a rich French delicacy made from duck or goose liver. It is usually served as a spread on toast or in solid form with vegetables and sauces. This food is prepared following a process called “gavage,” which forces the duck or goose to eat more than they would naturally, leading to a fattier liver. Knowing how this meal is prepared can make it difficult to stomach. 

Beef Tripe

Beef Tripe
Photo Credit: Canva

Beef Tripe is a dish made from the stomach of cows. It can be cooked in various styles, and the most popular is “Ă  la mode de Caen,” a Norman specialty with carrots, onions, leeks, and herbs. Some people may find this texture and taste off-putting and too strong for their liking.


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Sweetbreads, also known as “Ris de Veau” or veal thymus glands, are a dish made from the stomachs of young calves. They are usually served in a sauce with mushrooms and other ingredients. The strong taste and mushy texture may not be for everyone.

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This article was produced on Health Makes You.

Jude Uchella

Jude Uchella is a passionate research writer whose work has been published on many reputable platforms, including MSN, Wealth of Geeks, and more! He prioritizes research, writes comprehensively, and only shares factual and helpful content. He is a reader’s delight!

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